How to View Long-Term Stock Performance Charts on iPhone Stocks App (5 Year & 10 Year)

Discover a hidden trick on the iPhone Stocks app that allows you to easily see long-term 5-year and 10-year performance charts for stocks and market indices. While the app provides useful insights for short-term periods, long-term investors often want to analyze returns over a longer time frame. Follow these steps to access the long-term performance charts:

Step 1: Select a stock or market index

Open the Stocks app and choose a specific stock or market index that you want to view in the long-term performance chart.

Step 2: Rotate your iPhone screen

Once you’ve selected the stock or market index, rotate your iPhone to a horizontal position. This action will bring up a larger performance chart view with additional options.

Step 3: Choose the time frame

In the horizontal performance view, you’ll now see two additional range options: 5 years and 10 years. Tap on one of these options to see the long-term performance chart for the selected stock or market index.

Swipe left or right to view other stock symbols or market indices on your watch list. This feature is particularly useful for long-term investors looking to track their portfolio’s performance over time.

It’s important to note that while Siri can provide stock market updates, it may not offer accurate long-term chart data. For detailed chart data, it’s recommended to use the Stocks app or a standalone app like Bloomberg Business.

The ability to view long-term performance charts is incredibly valuable for individuals focused on building a nest egg or retirement account. Hopefully, similar features will be implemented in other iPhone apps, such as Health and Activity, in the future.

If you’re not interested in the stock market or don’t use the Stocks app, you can remove the Stocks widget from the iOS Notification Center.

Benefits of Using the iPhone Stocks App for Long-Term Performance Charts

  • This guide is free to read.
  • It provides a convenient way for internet users to follow up on their stock performance.
  • The guide is accessible for free, so anyone can learn how to view long-term stock performance charts on the iPhone Stocks app.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I benefit from this guide on viewing long-term stock performance charts on the iPhone Stocks app?

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on accessing long-term performance charts, which can be incredibly useful for long-term investors seeking to analyze the performance of their stocks or market indices over a span of 5 years or 10 years.

Which devices and operating systems support the iPhone Stocks app?

The iPhone Stocks app is compatible with Apple devices running on macOS or iOS.

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