Show Expanded Print Details Dialog on Mac OS by Default: A Simple Guide

Do you often find yourself needing to access advanced printing options on your Mac? If so, we have a handy trick that will save you time and effort. By making a small adjustment, you can set the expanded print dialog box as the default setting. This means that you won’t have to click the “Show Details” button every time you print something. Let’s dive into how you can do this.

How to Always Display the Detailed Print Dialog on Mac OS

Follow these steps to change the default print setting on your Mac:

  1. Open the “Terminal” application in Mac OS. You can find it in the /Applications/Utilities/ folder.
  2. Type the following command exactly:
  3. defaults write -g PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool TRUE

  4. Press the Return key to execute the command.
  5. Now, when you go to print a document, you will see the expanded print dialog box by default without having to click “Show Details.”

Note that you don’t need to restart your Mac or any applications for the change to take effect. However, if you have an active print dialog box open, close it and restart the printing process for the new setting to apply.

This adjustment will display all advanced printing options available in the expanded print dialog box. This includes specific page counts, paper orientation and size, presets, duplexing, border printing, file title and footer, printing in black and white or color, and much more. It works for all applications and printers on your Mac.

How to Revert to the Default Print Dialog on Mac OS

If you prefer to go back to the default print dialog box and manually click “Show Details” when needed, here’s how:

  1. Open the “Terminal” application again.
  2. Type the following command:
  3. defaults write -g PMPrintingExpandedStateForPrint -bool FALSE

  4. Press Return to execute the command.
  5. Your Mac will now display the default print dialog box without expanding all the options.

By using these commands in the Terminal, you can easily switch between the expanded and default print dialog on your Mac depending on your needs.

Benefits of Showing the Expanded Print Details Dialog in Mac OS by Default

  • This guide is free and accessible to all Mac users.
  • It helps you access advanced printing options more conveniently.
  • The price for this guide is zero, making it a cost-effective solution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Guide about How to Show the Expanded Print Details Dialog in Mac OS by Default

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to set the expanded print dialog box as the default setting on Mac OS.

How can this guide help me?

By following this guide, you can simplify the printing process on your Mac and access advanced printing options without extra clicks.

What devices and operating systems are supported?

This guide is for Apple devices running macOS or iOS.

Have more questions?

If you have any further queries or need assistance, feel free to leave a comment below or contact us directly through our contact page.

Final note: How to Show the Expanded Print Details Dialog in Mac OS by Default

If you spot any misinformation in this guide or have alternative methods to share, please let us know. We strive to provide accurate and helpful information for educational purposes. Feel free to reach out through our contact page.

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