How to Sign up for Kingdom Hearts Missing Link Closed Beta

Want to play Kingdom Hearts Missing Link before anyone else? Sign up for the Closed Beta now!

Sign up for Kingdom Hearts Missing Link Closed Beta is the most recent installment in Square Enix’s long-running and critically acclaimed action role-playing game series, and developer Square Enix has finally provided additional details about the upcoming game. The next installment of the Kingdom Hearts series, Kingdom Hearts Missing Link, is scheduled to be released in 2024. In this game, players will assume the role of keyblade wielders who call upon the aid of Disney characters to assist them in combat.

Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link is a GPS-based game where players can engage in activities on a map based on the real world, similar to Pokemon Go and Monster Hunter Now. In contrast to other games of its kind, Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link does not actually require the player to traverse the world; rather, they have unrestricted access to the entire map at any time.

What Is a Closed Beta Test?

When testing software, a closed beta test is done with a small group of users before the software is made available to everyone. A closed beta test is meant to find and fix any bugs or other issues with the software and to get feedback from users on how good the software is overall. Closed beta tests are usually only open to people who have been invited.

Beta testers will be able to use the beta version of the software once they have been chosen. They will then use the software and let the developers know about any bugs or other issues they find. As well as giving feedback on the features, usability, and performance of the software, the beta testers will also tell the developers about the overall quality of the software. If you know more details about this, than you can check on official website.

  1. Go to the Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link website and click on “Beta Test Application” in the upper right place.
  2. Check off the boxes that say “Privacy Policy,” “Closed Beta Test Application Requirements,” “Closed Beta Test Precautions,” and “Closed Beta Test Tester Agreement.”
  3. Give your email address and fill out the questionnaire.
  4. See what comes up on the next page, then click “Send.”

Benefits of Participating in the Closed Beta

  • The people who are in the closed beta can play the video game before it’s available to everyone else. That way, they can play the game for real and give feedback to the people who made it.
How to Sign up for Kingdom Hearts Missing Link Closed Beta
  • To help make the game better, people who are in the closed beta can report bugs and give feedback on how the game is played. The developers use this feedback to fix bugs and make the game better before it comes out.
  • Change the way the game is made: People who are in the closed beta can also change the way the game is made by telling the developers what features and content they want to see added. The people who made the game can use this feedback to make it more fun for people to play.
  • Get special rewards: People who join a closed beta often get special rewards like in-game items, cosmetics, or titles that no one else has. These prizes are a way to say thanks to players for their time and comments.

NDA and Privacy Rules in Closed Beta

NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) are contracts that legally bind the beta tester to keep the software and any related information confidential. This includes information about the software’s features, functionality, and performance. NDAs also typically prohibit beta testers from sharing the software with anyone else.

Privacy rules in closed betas are designed to protect the privacy of beta testers and the data that they collect while using the software. This may include data about the beta tester’s device, usage patterns, and feedback. Privacy rules typically require the software developer to obtain the beta tester’s consent before collecting or using their data.


Can I share the closed beta software with anyone else?

No, you are not permitted to lend the closed beta software to any other users at this time. This includes sharing screenshots, videos, or even streaming gameplay footage of the game.

Can I discuss the closed beta with anyone else?

Yes, you can discuss the closed beta with other beta testers and the software developer. However, you are not allowed to share any confidential information about the game, such as upcoming features or story details.

What can I do during the closed beta?

You will have the opportunity to test out the game and provide Square Enix with feedback while participating in the closed beta. Before the game is made available to the general public, we will use the feedback that you provide to make enhancements to it.

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