The Rise of Trolling & Decline of Online Etiquette: Understanding the Psychology Behind Toxic Internet Behavior

Have you ever wondered why some people behave differently online than they would in person? The internet, unlike the physical world, seems to lack the etiquette and norms that civilized society values. In recent years, online trolling has become more prevalent, causing discord and disgust among users. This article explores the rise of trolling and the decline of online etiquette, shedding light on the psychology behind this toxic behavior.

What Is Trolling?

Trolling refers to the act of posting comments or content that causes conflict and provokes other users into pointless debates. Trolls typically hide behind anonymous characters and aliases, and their mission is to cause chaos and disruption. Studies have shown that trolling has a positive correlation with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, defining it as a conscious desire to trick others into suffering while lacking empathy and remorse.

What Causes Trolling?

Several factors contribute to the rise of trolling, including the online disinhibition effect, which reveals that people reveal themselves more frequently or intensely online than they would in person. The six factors that influence online behavior and communication are dissociative anonymity, invisibility, asynchronicity, solipsistic introjection, dissociative imagination, and minimize authority.

How Can We Address Trolling and Improve Online Etiquette?

While some websites have taken measures to prevent trolling by disabling comments or implementing stricter moderation, the problem persists. The key to combating trolling is to remember that behind every computer screen is a real person with real feelings. By treating others with respect and kindness, we can start to improve online etiquette and reduce the prevalence of toxic behavior.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the online disinhibition effect?

The online disinhibition effect refers to the phenomenon where people behave and communicate differently online than they would in person due to the lack of social cues and anonymity that the internet provides.

Can we eliminate trolling entirely?

While it may be impossible to eliminate trolling entirely, we can reduce its prevalence by raising awareness, promoting empathy and kindness, and implementing stricter moderation on websites and social media platforms.

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