The World of Cybercrime and how to Defeat Hackers

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Check The World of Cybercrime and how to Defeat Hackers

Cybercrime is the most disruptive threat to financial markets, but at the same time it is the most underestimated by both regulators and financial institutions. Cyber ​​attacks have already caused significant havoc in retail banking, primarily through credit card and payment fraud. Market infrastructures often contain digital systems and therefore fall within the reach of cybercriminals. When the losses caused by retail cyberfraud are limited by the size and use of an account, the potential damage of a cyberattack to financial infrastructures is limitless.

In addition, markets react to new information from traditional (newspaper) and innovative (social media) media platforms, almost all of which is stored on the Internet. Cybercriminals use their skills to access bank account details, track and harass a compromised computer through sophisticated yet treacherous attacks. The impact of cybercrime is worrying for victims and financial theft is not the only reason. Victims begin to feel insecure as their privacy is violated. Solving such a problem is the task of the national cybersecurity department, the police and commercial cybersecurity companies.

Create a password that is difficult to crack

What is the oldest trick in the book for hackers? They steal passwords and we make it easy for them by using the same passwords on multiple accounts. The first and most important problem we face is that we do not remember passwords, so we choose words or numbers that are easy for us to remember, such as our name, city, name of a loved one, date of birth or address. Unfortunately, we give cybercriminals access to our online world on a disk. With little effort, they hack your password, steal money, access personal information, and use it to scam friends and family, or worse, steal identity.

The best and easiest way to beat hackers at their own game is to set a password that is strong, unique, and easy to remember at the same time. Some websites will tell you how strong or weak your password is as soon as you sign up, which must be 8-12 characters long, contain a mix of upper and lower case letters and numbers or symbols. Now our security is in our own hands. Therefore, it is imperative that the password is longer and more obscure to make it more difficult for cybercriminals to crack.

think before you click

Another common method cybercriminals use to steal your information is phishing. It is a type of social engineering attack that asks for your credentials or credit/debit card numbers and hacks into your personal information. Attacker poses as a trusted entity and entices the victim to open an email, text, or instant message that contains a malicious link that can install malware, freeze the system as part of a ransomware attack, or reveal sensitive information .

These emails always come with a sense of urgency, forcing the recipient to click on the link, giving little time to think, and before you know it, hackers have already infiltrated your system. The links usually redirect you to a fake website where you are asked to enter your personal information or take you to a website that immediately and directly infects your phone or laptop with ransomware.

Protect your online presence

The Internet itself was an evolution, but it became an inseparable part of our lives when social media came into play. The fastest way to contact or talk to someone is through online accounts, be it Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. This social media culture has shaped our lives and provides another way for cybercriminals to profile potential victims. Our daily online activities help them create more targeted phishing attacks that are difficult to detect.

Cybercrime awareness has only grown, but hackers haven’t given up yet. They now turn to social media accounts to access personal information such as age, job title, educational background, email ID, location, and social activity. Being online makes people vulnerable and gives cybercriminals valuable information, which they use to trick us into carrying out an organized, targeted, personalized phishing attack.

Avoid the temptation of free Wi-Fi

What’s the first thing you do when you find out there’s free Wi-Fi in your area? You connect your phone or laptop, right? It is certainly the most tempting and harmless, but free Wi-Fi protects you from the direct threat of hackers. Requiring no authentication to connect to a network, public WiFi gives cybercriminals direct access, from there they can hijack unsecured devices that are on the same encrypted network. Without any security, we are vulnerable to hackers who then steal valuable data such as login passwords, credit card information, and other personal and financial details.

Another risk you face is the spread of malware that gives hackers unlimited access to everything on your device. If you can’t stop or avoid using free or public Wi-Fi, you can still protect yourself by using a VPN. It encrypts your Internet connection and makes your presence private and secure.

Other security measures that can help you are the following:

  • Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use
  • Adhere to secure websites
  • disable sharing

Final words: The World of Cybercrime and how to Defeat Hackers

I hope you understand this article, The World of Cybercrime and how to Defeat Hackers. If your answer is no, you can ask anything via the contact forum section related to this article. And if your answer is yes, please share this article with your friends and family to give us your support.

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