How to Track Multiple Projects in Excel

Feeling overwhelmed by multiple projects? Excel can be your secret weapon! Learn powerful tips & tricks for effortless tracking & management.

If project managers don’t organize and dynamically summaries their work, keeping track of multiple projects at the same time can be very difficult. As a solution to this problem, we’ve created an Excel template that will make tracking projects easier. In this article we talk about how to track Multiple Projects in Excel.

Structured frameworks and explanations are included in this template, so users can practise and change the sheet to fit their project management needs. Managers of multiple projects can easily keep an eye on the progress of all of them from one interface by using this template. While the summary view is dynamic, it makes sure that key project metrics are always visible. This lets managers make smart decisions and be proactive.

Additionally, this tool helps project managers work more efficiently, make fewer mistakes, and allocate resources more wisely across multiple projects, ultimately ensuring the success of all of them. For comprehensive information, head over to the Excel official website.

How to track Multiple Projects in Excel

  1. Access Excel’s useful tools and templates online for free.
  2. Open and use a new project template.
  3. Add project plans and allocate resources to each project.
  4. Utilize the simple and easy-to-use template to manage multiple projects concurrently.
  5. Track each project’s current status and progress.
  6. Monitor budget adherence for each project.

Tips for Efficient Project Tracking in Excel

Templates and Structure:

  • Begin by making a template: For simple structures, you can use online templates or make your own. Gantt charts, task lists, and milestone trackers are all popular choices.
How to track Multiple Projects in Excel
  • Separate worksheets: For tasks, resources, budgets, risks, and a master overview dashboard, set aside separate sheets. Every sheet should have a clear job to do.

Taking care of data:

  • Explain clear headers: Briefly name the columns for things like tasks, due dates, owners, status, progress, and so on.
  • Drop-down menus make it easy to choose and sort through repeated information, like the status of a task (Not Started, In Progress, Completed).
  • Conditional formatting: Make tasks that are past due, budget breaches, or important milestones stand out so they can be found quickly.

Monitoring and tracking:

  • Formulas: Use formulas to automatically figure out things like how much time was spent, how much the budget changed, or what percentage of tasks were finished.
  • Sorting and filtering: Sort and filter data on a regular basis by owner, deadline, or progress to keep your attention on certain areas.
  • PivotTables: Use PivotTables to make summaries that are rich in information and to find trends or possible problems.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Excel Project Tracking

Taking care of data:

  • Entering data by hand takes a lot of time and can lead to mistakes. To automate data entry, you might want to use forms or import data.
  • Unstructured data: It’s hard to analyse data that is spread out on different sheets or formats. Keep the structure the same, and make sure that drop-down menus use data validation.
  • Problems with version control: Having too many versions can be confusing. Use tools for working together or set up version control systems, such as the version history feature in Google Sheets.

Complexity and the ability to grow:

  • Too complicated formulas: Formulas that are hard to understand are more likely to make mistakes and are harder to keep up to date. Split up long formulas into smaller ones that can be used separately.
  • Sharing large Excel files can be hard, and you might not be able to access them when you’re not online. For real-time teamwork, think about cloud-based project management tools.
  • Lack of flexibility: As projects get bigger, Excel sheets can get hard to use. Think about getting dedicated project management software with dashboards and views that you can change.

Advanced Techniques for Excel Project Management

Making plans and schedules:

  • Gantt charts: Make dynamic Gantt charts to go beyond a simple list. To keep track of progress, use “Start/Finish” dates, dependencies (FS, SS, SF, FF), and color-coding. Check out advanced templates that come with formulas and macros already built in.
  • Track the assigned staff’s workload, availability, and hours worked as part of resource management. Conditional formatting can help you find possible overallocations.

Analysing and keeping track of data:

  • PivotTables: Quickly look at project data. Report on progress by task, team, budget, and other factors. Use slicers and filters to make dynamic dashboards that give you real-time insights.
  • Formulas and functions: Learn advanced formulas like VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, SUMIFS, and SUMPRODUCT to do calculations and work with data automatically.

Working together and automating:

  • Shared workbooks let team members work together on the same file in real time. For data integrity, use access controls and a history of versions.
  • Macros: Automate tasks that you do over and over, like entering data, keeping track of progress, and making reports. This cuts down on mistakes made by hand and saves time.


What is the best way to keep track of multiple projects in Excel?

Here are some tips for using Excel to keep track of multiple projects and people: Use Spreadsheets for Data Organization: Create separate spreadsheets for each project, and use tabs within each spreadsheet to track different aspects of the project, such as tasks, timelines, and resource allocation.

What is the best way to keep track of multiple projects?

Project management software is one of the most important tools to track multiple projects. This software allows you to create a roadmap for each project, track progress, and assign tasks to team members. Another useful tool for tracking multiple projects is a task management application.

Can you track projects in Excel?

The first thing you should do to keep track of projects in Excel is to check on each step’s progress. The drop-down menu lets you do this. How to do it: Go to Data Validation > List and select the cells. Type “Not started,” “In progress,” or “Done” for the drop-down menu in the Source field, then click “OK.”

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