How to Use Google Collections: Create, Edit, Share

How to Use Google Collections: Create, Edit, Share is a part of the Google app that was inspired by Pinterest. It will suggest the things you were looking for, group them together, and keep them all in one place. Google’s algorithm will look at how you use Collections and suggest new collections based on how you search.

Shopping, cooking, and other hobbies will be thought about and suggested by the collections. You can also save the suggestions and even make your own based on what you like. This will improve your search suggestions on Google, making it more likely that your desired search results will show up at the top.

What are Google Collections?

In 2018, the Google app got a new feature called “Google Collections,” which replaced “saved pages.” Later, it was moved to the Google apps content bar and the “bookmark on Google” feature was added. It’s at the bottom of the app or on the right side of the Discover tab. It has boxes like Pinterest, with big pictures on the front, and you can see your favorite places, searches, pictures, and the time you looked for them.

You can also let your friends work on a collection with you. Before, you could only share collections that others could see. Google didn’t add this feature until the most recent update. This lets people in a group make changes to a collection, like when family members use a shopping list or when employees share and edit work-related items.

How do Google Collections work?

People who like to make mood boards, save recipes, or bookmark places may want a place to keep all of this information in one place. They could look for third-party apps and services, but Google has just the right level of integration. With third-party apps, you might have to add an extension to your browser in order to save content.

How to Use Google Collections

Even though that’s not too bad, not everyone wants an extension on their browser that could be sketchy and keeps track of everything they do. With Google Collections, you don’t have to do anything to use the internet like you normally do.

Features of Google Collections

Create collectionsYou can create collections to organize your saved links, images, and places.
Add items to collectionsYou can add links, images, and places to your collections.
Edit collectionsYou can edit your collections by adding, removing, and rearranging items.
Share collectionsYou can share your collections with others.
Access collections from anywhereYou can access your collections from any device that is signed in to your Google account.
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How to Create a Google Collection

  1. Open the Google app.
  2. Tap Collections
  3. Tap the Create button in the lower-right corner.
  4. Choose one of the three options.
    • Create from Link: You can start your collection with a link.
    • Create from all saved items: You can start your collection by choosing one or more of your saved items.
    • Create from a blank template: You can create an empty collection.
  5. Name your collection.
  6. Tap Done.

Steps to Edit a Google Collection

  1. Go to the Google Collections website and sign in to your Google account.
  2. Click the collection that you want to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Make your changes to the collection.
  5. Click the Save button.

How to Share a Google Collection

  1. Go to the Google Collections website and sign in to your Google account.
  2. Click the collection that you want to share.
  3. Click the Share button.
  4. Choose how you want to share your collection.
  5. Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your collection with.
  6. Click the Send button.

Integrating Google Collections with Other Google Services

  • Google Keep: From Google Keep, you can add notes to your collections. This is a great way to add more information to your collections, like notes from meetings, to-do lists, or ideas from brainstorming.
  • Google Maps lets you add places to your own collections. This is a great way to keep track of restaurants, museums, parks, and other places you want to go.
  • Google Search allows you to add links to your collections. This is a great way to save articles, recipes, or other web pages that you want to look at again later.
  • Google Drive: You can add files from Google Drive to your collections. This is a great way to save and organize documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.


Can anyone see my Google collections?

You can choose who can see your Collection and follow it when you make one. You can choose if people who follow you will also follow that Collection. Find out who is interested in your Collection.

How do I view Google collections?

Open the Google app on an Android or iOS device and tap Collections in the bottom right corner. On a computer, go to the homepage for your own Google Collections. Go to All saved items on the collections page to make general changes like adding or removing saved items.

Does Chrome have collections?

Google also has a feature like this, which they call Collections. Google Collections isn’t just for Chrome; you can easily access it and add to it from Edge as well. You can share Google Collections by letting other Google accounts see them.

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