How to Use Twitter’s Auto-Captions for Voice Tweets

Learn how to use Twitter's auto-captions for your voice tweets.

Automatic tweet captions are a great feature from Twitter. Enhance the 280-character microblogging platform to add captions to voice tweets. Twitter users can express more emotions with this addition to plain text. The corporation was often criticized for no captioning. In this article we will show you how to Use Twitter’s Auto-Captions for Voice Tweets.

Audio attachments contain playable tweets. Your audio attachment will include users’ profile photographs as images. Don’t update your profile pic when replaced. Users can scroll through Twitter while it plays automatically by closing an audio dock at the bottom of the screen. Only iOS users can utilize this, not Android or Web users. More information can be found on the official website.

How to Use Twitter’s Auto-Captions for Voice Tweets

  1. Navigate to the voice tweet whose captions you want to enable.
  2. Tap the voice tweet thumbnail to start and stop playback.
  3. If you record a voice tweet, captions will automatically generate and appear.
  4. To view the captions on web, click on the CC button in the right-hand corner of the voice tweet window.
  5. A transcript of the voice tweet should now appear on the voice tweet thumbnail.

Leveraging Auto-Captions to Enhance Engagement and Inclusivity

  • Multi-modal Content: Auto-captions make your content usable for people with a range of tastes. Some people like to read, while others would rather watch or listen with the sound off.
  • Sound-sensitive areas: People who are looking through Twitter in public places or quiet areas can still read your posts without bothering other people.
  • Second-Language Learners: People who speak English as a second language may find comments helpful for understanding and picking up new words.
  • Attention-Grabbing: Auto-captions make visuals in your feed that are dynamic and make you stop and look, which gets more attention and leads to more involvement.
How to Use Twitter's Auto-Captions for Voice Tweets
  • Deaf and Hard-of-Community: Auto-captions make it possible for people who have trouble to access your material, which gives them the power to fully participate.
  • People who don’t speak the language used in your tweets: Auto-captions help people who don’t speak the language used in your tweets, which increases your reach and makes the community more welcoming.

Integrating Voice Tweets with Auto-Captions into Your Social Media Strategy

  • Increased Engagement:
    • The personal touch and rawness of voice can resonate better with audiences compared to static text.
    • Listeners can multitask while consuming your content, potentially increasing reach.
  • Accessibility:
    • Auto-captions make your content accessible to a wider audience, including those with disabilities or those who prefer watching videos with sound off.
    • Captions can also be helpful for people who don’t speak the language you’re tweeting in.
  • Authenticity and Storytelling:
    • Voice allows you to convey emotions and personality more effectively than text, fostering a stronger connection with your audience.
    • You can share stories, opinions, or behind-the-scenes glimpses in a more engaging way.


How do you post a voice note on Twitter?

Go to the chat to submit a voice note. New and current chats can record. A purple wavelength icon appears to the right of the message box after opening it. Hold this symbol to record.

How do you turn on voice DM on Twitter?

How to tweet voice messages. Twitter voice messaging requires app updates. Press the mail icon at the bottom of the home page to access your DMs. Open a chat and click the audio button at the far right of the text creation box.

Why does my Twitter not have voice notes?

Twitter introduced voice Tweets in 2020, but only iOS users can use it. However, Android users cannot access it. Android users can’t send audio Tweets, while Twitter has offered it for years.

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