Tears of the Kingdom: How to Use Zonai Fan Device Machine

In Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, do you need a way to get fan devices? Even though they might seem useless, the Zonai Fan Devices make it possible for mine carts and buildable cars to move on land and rails. Even better, people who need to get away from enemies can use the device to blow them away. If you want to know Tears of the Kingdom: How to use Zonai Fan Device Machine.

But this unique piece of gear is mostly only found in a small number of places on the map. This guide will tell you how to get fans in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and what you can do with them. Fans can only be found on the Sky Islands because they are Zonai Devices. It is one of the most common things in the sky, and you can find a lot of them lying around rails and water.

How to Use Zonai Fan Device Machine in Tears of the Kingdom

  1. Hit the Fan Device to turn it on and turn it off.
  2. Use Ultrahand to attach the Fan Device to any object and you have propulsion.
  3. That is how to use the Fan Device.
  1. Even though the Fan Device is simple at its core, it can be used in almost any way you can think of.
  2. With the Fan Device, you can (and will need to) make fan boats.
  3. The Fan Device will also help you solve puzzles like the one in the Mining Cave.
  4. Once you know how to use a Device Dispenser and send out Fan Devices, you can use them almost anywhere.
  5. To do this, go to your inventory, click on the Fan Device, and then click “Take out device.”
  6. Be careful because the Fan Device will appear right in front of you.
  7. If you are standing on a cliff, the Fan Device might roll off and fall to the Surface.

How to use Zonai Charges

Tears of the Kingdom: How to Use Zonai Fan Device Machine

You can get Zonai Charges from chests and by beating Construct enemies in story missions, in Shrines, or on sky islands. Open your inventory while standing in front of a Device Dispenser and look in the “materials” tab for Zonai Charges. Choose them, then choose “hold” and add up to five charges. Then you can leave the menu and put the money in the machine.

It will give out a random selection of the Zonai Devices that machine can give out. Once you take a Zonai Device out of its gacha bubble and drop it from your inventory, you can’t get it back. This is also true for any Zonai Devices you find around Hyrule that are already open. You can only save Zonai Devices that are inside bubbles. If you know more details about this, than you can check on official website.


How do you use a Zonai device dispenser?

Device Dispensers are sort of like gumball machines–in fact, they’re very obviously made to look and behave like them. Go into your inventory and choose to hold up to five Zonai Charges or Construct Horns–like you would when cooking–and out will roll random Zonai Devices.7 days ago

How do you use wing tears of the kingdom?

How to use the wings in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. To use those Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wings, all you really need to do is place one atop a slope at a great height, jump aboard, and let gravity do the rest.

How do you use Sheikah sensor to find items?

To use the sensor, highlight a quest where you have missing materials. You’ll know a quest is missing materials if the items in the mission description have red text when displaying the quantity. If a quest is missing materials, you’ll have the option to register that quest by pressing the X button.

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