Gaming Mouse Buying Guide

One of the main advantages of a gaming mouse over a traditional mouse is software support. Depending on your device and software, you can use software to quickly and easily reassign buttons, adjust sensitivity, or even set RGB lighting options.

A gaming mouse is a mouse designed specifically for use in video games. It usually has more buttons and functions than a regular mouse, making it more suitable for fast-paced games. Gaming mice are usually heavier than regular mice because their special function requires additional hardware. They have some additional features such as extra buttons, a DPI switch, and RGB lighting, but the main advantage is the sensor used.

Gaming mouse sensors are designed to respond faster and more accurately. One of the main advantages of a gaming mouse over a traditional mouse is software support. Depending on your device and software, you can use software to quickly and easily reassign buttons, adjust sensitivity, or even set RGB lighting options. Not all gaming mouse software is the same, so be sure to check what features are available before making your final purchase.

Types of Gaming Mouse

There is a wide range of gaming mice on the market today. While there are many highly specialized options, most fall into one of four types of gaming mice: FPS mice for aim and agility, MMO mice for utility, general-purpose mice for a bit of both, or customizable mice for more specialized situations.

The devices in these categories are by no means identical. However, they do share some commonalities in design and attempt to perform similar tasks. Below are detailed definitions of each type of gaming mouse and why you should use them.

FPS Gaming Mouse

FPS games are among the most popular games in the world. In these games, players compete in intense online battles that require the highest level of precision. FPS gaming mice are usually lighter than others and have a wide DPI range. Something that makes an FPS mouse unique is the inclusion of a sniper or slowdown button. When pressed, it can quickly and drastically reduce the DPI so you can aim as accurately as possible.

Customizable Gaming Mouse

When FPS or MMO mice aren’t enough, there are customizable gaming mice. These devices are highly specialized and come with a plethora of finely tuned features. Examples of customizable mouse features include adjustable weights, multiple connection types, or replaceable ceramic mouse feet. Not every high-end mouse comes with all of these features. So decide which features are most important to you before diving into the wide world of customizable gaming mice.

MMO Gaming Mouse

The main goal of an MMO mouse is to reduce the amount of input for the left hand while gaming. These mice are usually heavier than others and have as many extra buttons as possible on the sides of the mouse. When moving around with WASD, these mice allow you to connect and use a variety of skills or abilities with your mouse hand for maximum comfort and efficiency. Software support is crucial with MMO mice, as different players require completely different button assignments.

All-Purpose Gaming Mouse

Some consider general purpose mice to be cheaper alternatives, but that is not the case. What makes a mouse a general purpose mouse is the combination and proper use of multiple functions of other types of mice. These devices have a lower DPI range, but come in all shapes, sizes, and weights. In most cases, general purpose mice have two side buttons (usually on the thumb side) that can be reprogrammed via software.

If a device does not support software, it probably has dedicated buttons to increase or decrease DPI. The goal of a general purpose mouse is to be suitable for any game, so most features are not too extreme in either direction. General purpose mice are ideal for casual gamers or beginners who play a variety of games.

Know Your Grip Style

It matters what type of grip you use, especially if you’re playing a PC game and not using a mouse for more mundane tasks. Although every gamer is different, grips can generally be divided into three broad styles:

Palm Grip

The palm grip is the standard grip used by most gamers. It consists of placing the fingers on the two main buttons and resting the palm on the mouse’s casing. In this case, larger mice with a bigger case are preferable.

Fingertip Grip

The Fingertip Grip (or Tip grip) is a rare grip used by some gamers. They place only the index, middle and ring fingertips on the mouse buttons (including the middle one), while the palm hovers above the mouse. The thumb and small fingertips are placed on the sides of the mouse and aid in moving it.

Claw Grip

Halfway between the palm grip and the tip grip is the claw grip, which is also very popular. The latter two grip types can be used with more compact mice: The claw grip is so called because the fingers form a claw around the mouse.

Gaming Mouse Features

Before you can compare different types of gaming mice, you should know the standard specifications for mice and what they mean. No two devices are alike, but knowing some similar terms and features will give you an idea of how a gaming mouse might work before you buy. Here are some of the most common mouse specifications you should look for when buying.


The size of the gaming mouse you choose should depend primarily on the size of your hand and your personal preferences. A small mouse may feel strange or uncomfortable in the hands of a user with large hands and vice versa. Likewise, a gamer with small hands may find a larger mouse more comfortable and vice versa. So it’s not a problem if a mouse is slightly smaller or larger than your hand, as long as you feel comfortable with it.

Programmable Buttons

Additional inputs are one of the most important features of any gaming mouse. Additional buttons allow you to distribute controls more evenly between your hands, improving efficiency and comfort. This flexibility in inputs could give you the competitive edge you need in your next ranked PVP match – or simply play your favorite games more comfortably than with a traditional mouse without extra buttons.

Gaming mice can come with anywhere from two to ten or more extra buttons, and most can be set to any input via software. For games like RPGs or MMOs, the more mouse input, the better. In certain titles, mouse buttons are a necessity, as they allow players to move around with WASD and still use their mouse hand inputs freely.


The size of a gaming mouse is not directly related to the weight of the device. There are no standards between different mice when it comes to shape, and many different brands offer hyper-stylized designs that neither hinder nor promote performance. Lighter gaming mice are considered faster to use, while heavier variants offer more control. Realistically, this specification is a matter of personal preference, but you’ll find that FPS mice tend to be lighter.

Laser or Optical Sensor?

This question will divide many computer gamers. In the past, it was said that real gamers use optical mice because they offer a more responsive sensor and a better gaming experience. Also, unlike laser mice, optical mice have no lag.

In recent years, laser technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, so much so that some people claim that there is virtually no lag with laser mice anymore. However, there are some mouse manufacturers that use laser gaming mice with no lag as their flagship products and therefore focus entirely on a lag-free gaming experience.


The shape of a gaming mouse is important because it determines how well it fits in the hand. It also determines whether a mouse is suitable for left- or right-handed users. A mouse with a shape that forces the hand into a certain position would be very uncomfortable for hours of gaming.

While an oddly shaped mouse may feel comfortable in one player’s hand, it may feel very strange in another player’s hand. Therefore, in most cases, the shape is a matter of personal preference. There are two main shapes:

  • Ergonomic Gaming Mice

Ergonomic gaming mice are shaped to fit naturally in the user’s hand, reducing muscle tension and discomfort. Ergonomic mice have grooves on the sides so that your thumb and fingers can rest comfortably on them, strengthening your grip.

Mouse buttons are also strategically placed so that your fingers can rest on them easily. This makes them a better choice if you plan to play for hours. When choosing an ergonomic gaming mouse, it is important that it fits your hand perfectly. Also, keep in mind that ergonomic mice are designed differently for right-handed and left-handed users.

  • Ambidextrous Gaming Mice

Ambidextrous mice have a symmetrical shape that allows both right- and left-handed users to use them comfortably. If you’re one of the few people who can use both hands well, an ambidextrous mouse allows you to switch hands during long gaming sessions and reduce the strain on one arm.

Despite the comfort offered by ergonomic mice, some gamers prefer ambidextrous mice because they find it easier to move their wrist while gaming. Above all, avoid a mouse shape that forces the hand into a position that doesn’t feel natural.


When you think of PC gaming, one of the first things that comes to mind might be RGB lighting. Almost every “gaming” peripheral has some form of addressable lighting, and mice are no different. While this feature doesn’t directly affect performance, it does make your gaming mouse look like it’s been hijacked from an alien spaceship. Often, RGB gaming mice are a bit more expensive than their regular counterparts.

Lighting options range from underlighting to scroll wheel illumination and everything in between. It’s not uncommon for a gaming mouse to have more than one area of addressable RGB lighting. Gaming mouse software allows you to coordinate the different RGB lighting across your entire gaming PC.

Wired or Wireless?

A few years ago, if you tried to play with a wireless gamer mouse on a PC, you were laughed at by your server. The technology simply couldn’t handle the responsiveness required for high-octane, fast-paced, responsive gaming. For lightning-fast reflexes, you need lightning-fast response from a wired sensor.

However, the days of slow-responding wireless mice are over, and there is a whole range of wired and wireless mice that will satisfy even the most demanding gamers. If you never need a wireless mouse, you should opt for a wired mouse, which is also usually more expensive than its wired counterparts.


The way your mouse connects to your computer is an often overlooked specification. Almost all wired mice connect to your PC via a standard USB-A connection. What is not standard is how the cable connects back to the mouse. Integrated cables are common and affordable, while detachable USB-C cables can be customized or easily replaced if damaged. Other options include wireless connections that use either a Bluetooth or 2.4 GHz wireless connection.


Quality is one of the most important things to look for when buying a gaming laptop mouse. If you want your gaming laptop mouse to last for a long time, then it is important that you buy one that is well-made and durable. There are different levels of quality in different price ranges, but in general, if you spend more money on your gaming laptop mouse, it will be better made than if you buy one that costs less.


The most important criterion when buying a gaming laptop mouse is durability. If an item is not durable enough, it will not last long and will have to be replaced sooner than expected. So, if a gaming laptop mouse is made of inferior materials, it’s probably because the manufacturer doesn’t care about making their customers happy in the long run. If you’re looking for a durable gaming laptop mouse, you should opt for one that’s made from high-quality materials. These may be more expensive, but they will last longer and won’t need to be replaced as often as if they were made of inferior materials.

Software Support

Almost every gaming mouse offers some form of software support. If not, the device may have some programmable features via built-in onboard profiles. The advantage of software, however, is that it allows you to reprogram buttons and quickly adjust sensitivity. Gaming mouse software can also be used to manage addressable lighting or other device functions. Different brands use different software. So before you buy, make sure that the mouse supports the features you want.


Dots per inch (DPI) is a common specification when it comes to gaming mice. In plain English, it means how far your cursor moves on the screen depending on how far you move the mouse. The lower the DPI value, the slower the mouse moves on the screen. When you specify the DPI value, it is always a range and not a specific number. This is because different games or tasks may require very different DPI values.

Many gaming mice support a wide range of DPI settings and can even switch between them with the press of a button. Note that a high DPI value on a gaming mouse does not necessarily mean a better gaming mouse. In fact, lower DPI values are often preferred because the mouse has less work to do and there is less chance of anomalies with the higher precision level.

Also, it is very difficult to notice a difference in the higher DPI ranges, and higher DPI is basically useless beyond a certain level. Typical DPI values for professional gamers range from 800 to 1600, with some outliers due to personal preference. A sniper, for example, would usually prefer lower DPI values so that he doesn’t lose sight of his target, while a melee fighter needs high DPI values to reach his target quickly.


You should also consider the brand of gaming laptop mouse you want to buy. Even though some brands are cheaper, you should keep in mind that you get what you pay for. Quality brands like Samsung are known for their durability, so it’s worth spending more money on them if they fit your budget. If you can’t afford a quality brand, it’s better to choose a cheaper one that will still last longer than the cheapest option.


Gaming mice generally fall into three price categories: Anything under $50, between $50 and $100, and over $100. Just as you shouldn’t expect a top-of-the-line product for $20, you shouldn’t expect a clunker for $80. Prices for mice vary by retailer, sale, and whether or not a new model is coming out. However, here are some guidelines.

Less Than $50

This section is about inexpensive gaming mice. These include third-party mice, usually with limited DPI and software options. Sometimes you get something unexpectedly good, like the Turtle Beach Grip 300 ($40, on Amazon(opens in new tab)). Otherwise, you can also find very good mice from Chinese companies like Cougar, Cooler Master, and Emtec. There’s nothing wrong with these mice per se, but they’re neither as pretty nor as functional as the classier mice and may not last as long.

Between $50 and $100

This is usually the sweet spot for gaming mice, and this is where all the major brands come in: Razer, Logitech, SteelSeries, Roccat, and Corsair. Mice between $50 and $100 often have ergonomic designs, excellent sensors, robust software, and handle multiple genres. Unless you’re strapped for cash or are after hardcore customization options, this is the amount you should spend.

More than $100

If you’re going to spend more than $100, you’ll probably do so on a customizable mouse. Mice with customization options like the Roccat Nyth or the Razer Ouroboros allow users to swap out elements like palm rests, scroll wheels, and even thumb buttons. If you’re getting into the tournament scene or just can’t find another mouse that feels comfortable, it might be worth digging deep into your wallet.


A mouse designed for gamers. Gaming mice have adjustable sensitivity, configurable as the number of dots per inch (DPI). The higher the DPI, the farther the cursor moves across the screen with the same amount of mouse movement. By learning about the different types of gaming mice and their most common uses, you can make the best purchase for your device.

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