OKP K3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner is at unbeatable discount of 69%, Get it for just $138.88

The OKP K3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner is a popular robotic vacuum cleaner that has a number of features to help you keep your home clean. The OKP K3 is slim and small, which makes it easy to move around your home. It has anti-scratch tempered glass on top, which makes it more durable and gives it a high-end look. Overall, the OKP K3 is well-made, which means it can handle the wear and tear of daily vacuuming. The OKP K3 cleans your home quickly and well by using advanced navigation technology.

It has smart sensors that help it find obstacles and avoid running into things like furniture, walls, and other things. The device also has sensors that keep it from falling down stairs or off ledges. Even though the OKP K3 doesn’t have mapping capabilities, it covers the whole area well by cleaning in a random pattern. The OKP K3 does a good job of cleaning hardwood floors, carpets, and tiles, among other surfaces. It has a strong suction motor that picks up dust, dirt, pet hair, and other things well.


  • Self-Charging Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
  • With 2000Pa Strong Suction
  • Sleek and compact design
  • Advanced navigation technology

The device also has a main brush and two side brushes that work together to sweep dirt and dust into the vacuum’s suction path. The OKP K3 is powered by a lithium-ion battery, which lasts for a good amount of time when cleaning. Depending on the cleaning mode and the size of the area being cleaned, the exact battery life may be different. When the OKP K3’s battery gets low, it goes back to its charging dock to charge itself.

The time it takes to charge is short, so the vacuum cleaner can start cleaning again quickly. There are many ways to control the OKP K3. It comes with a physical remote control that lets you start, stop, and schedule cleaning sessions. Also, the OKP K3 works with apps for smartphones, so you can use your phone to control the device from a distance. But it’s important to know that the OKP K3 doesn’t work with smart homes or let you control it with your voice.

How to get OKP K3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner?

The OKP K3 has a large dustbin that can hold a lot of dirt and other debris. The trash can is easy to get to, and all you have to do to empty it is push a button. To keep the best performance, filters and brushes need to be cleaned or replaced as part of regular maintenance. Overall, the OKP K3 Robot Vacuum Cleaner cleans well, moves around well, and has controls that are easy to use. Even though it doesn’t have some of the more advanced features of higher-end models, it’s a good way to keep your house clean with little effort.

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