Common Macbook Problems and Solutions to These Problems

Despite its many advantages like reliability, sleek design, and an abundance of available applications, MacBook’s can run into problems.

If you are still relatively new to these computers, you may find it hard to solve the issues yourself. Thankfully, the most common problems are relatively simple. Having basic knowledge is usually enough.

Reading and memorizing the solutions in this article should be enough to manage potential problems.

Problem #1 – Lack of Drive Space

The lack of drive space is quite common for Macbook users. People tend to go overboard, installing too many apps, or just getting in the habit of hoarding files in general. Moreover, the most recent Mac models come with solid-state drives. While they are an upgrade performance-wise, SSDs have less available storage than HDDs.

You need to keep close tabs on applications you install and files you download. Removing unnecessary data regularly is a good way to keep the Macbook’s disk in check.

Transferring some files to external storage devices and cloud services is also a solid piece of advice. Finally, you can consume media on streaming sites instead of keeping large files on the laptop. Some good recommendations of streaming platforms include Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+.

Problem #2 – Failure to Connect to Wi-Fi Network

Wireless connection is not that reliable. If you do not have an ethernet cable, you will need to use Wi-Fi. In case the Macbook fails to connect to the network properly, get in touch with your ISP to make sure that everything is okay on their end.

Restarting the computer is one of the simplest solutions. If that fails, try disconnecting and reconnecting to the network.

It may be that third-party peripherals like a wireless printer or a microwave oven are interfering. Try taking the laptop away from these devices and see whether that helps.

Problem #3 – Loud Fan Noise and Overheating

Poorly ventilated rooms and too much dust and dirt inside the Macbook are the most common issues behind overheating and loud internal fan noises.

It may be difficult to remove the filth inside the laptop yourself, not to mention that it is quite risky. Get in touch with a local computer service store and ask them to do the job for you. Removing dirt inside the laptop regularly will maintain the Macbook in better shape.

Problem #4 – Spinning Beach Ball

That persistent spinning beach ball that appears now and then is not necessarily an obstacle, particularly if it disappears in an instant. However, if it becomes too much of a nuisance, you will need to take some action.

One of the likely causes is that the Macbook’s system cannot keep up with your requests. You are initiating one process before the previous one is still not finished. For example, launching an app while other processes still need time to close.

Keep tabs on the Activity Monitor and see which processes are consuming the most resources. Investing in hardware upgrades is also worth considering. If your Mac model allows for it, you may want to add extra RAM.

Problem #5 – Flickering Screen

A flickering screen does not occur that often, but when it does, the issue can make it next to impossible to do anything with the Macbook.

The first thing you need to consider is whether the flickering began when you upgraded to the most recent OS version. It may be that the cause behind it is the incompatibility between the GPU and the macOS version. Switch back to the previous OS version you have used and wait for a hotfix.

Problem #6 – Lackluster Battery Lifespan

When you use the MacBook for the first time, there should not be any battery lifespan problems. And for the most part, the status quo is there for a long time.

However, you are bound to notice that the battery does not last as long as it did before. You need to charge the Mac more often, and there might be some cases when leaving the charger plugged in for the whole night is still not enough.

Close unnecessary applications, declutter the desktop and shut the MacBook down instead of sticking to the sleeping mode. Doing these things will improve the battery lifespan.

Problem #7 – Slow Internet Browser

A lackluster internet browser may not be related to the computer itself. People install too many extensions and add-ons without realizing how much of a toll they put on the overall internet browser performance.

Keeping multiple tabs open does not help either. You need to limit the number. And be sure to remove the browser cache at least once every month.

Problem #8 – Memory Leaks

Memory leaks occur when Mac applications are active for too long and start to distribute memory where the memory should not go. The phenomenon is not that much of a problem. The best way to stop it from happening is to restart the computer regularly.


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