Manage Your Repository with Git in PowerShell

In this post, I will share why you should use Git in PowerShell to manage your Git repository productively. The actual hack is to use Git commands in PowerShell. Also, here you will learn other advantages by using Git in PowerShell. 

Before I go further, let me share the basics about Git and PowerShell.


In this Section, I will share what Git is, Git repo, and the importance of Git commands. 

What is Git?

Git is a version management system for computer files that track changes. It is one of the most popular software for source code management.

Git is a distributed version control system that tracks changes in source code. It enables several developers to collaborate at the same time. As it’s open-source, you can easily use Git on Windows, Linux, or any other operating system.

What is Git Repository?

All project files and the complete revision history are stored in a Git repository (or repo for short).  The. git subdirectory within your working directory project is Git repository. 

This repository keeps track of any changes made to files in your project over time, creating a history.  If you delete the .git folder, you are also deleting the history of your project.

And you can manage your Git repository in two ways – Either with Git commands or with Git GUI client.  The best way to use Git commands to manage your Git repository for many good reasons which you learn in the next section. 

Why Git Commands?

Git commands are the backbone. If you want to manage your code repo, you should use the Git command instead of the Git gui client because there are some Git commands which you can not run from the gui client. 

Git gui client uses Git commands internally, so they are the basic block. And finally, it will give you better control over your code repository if you use the git command.


Before I jump on PowerShell Git, let’s see what PowerShell actually is. 

What is PowerShell?

In its most basic form, PowerShell is a cross-platform scripting language that allows users to manage tasks and automate thousands of jobs from the command line. 

It’s a programming language based on Microsoft’s.NET Framework that simplifies many of your tasks.

PowerShell was developed for Windows OS as a first-class command-line interface and script language that is simple to learn and use. It evolved from languages like VBScript and batch files.

Before Windows XP, PowerShell was only available as part of the Windows Management Framework. Now PowerShell is installed by default on all Windows operating systems.

What is PowerShell Core?

PowerShell was exclusively available on Windows from 2006 to 2016 and was known as Windows PowerShell until version 5.1.  PowerShell is based on the.NET Framework, which was only available for Windows at the time. 

In 2016, Microsoft decided to open-source PowerShell on GitHub, dropping the ‘Windows’ and renaming it just ‘PowerShell’ or ‘PowerShell Core’ in version six.

PowerShell Core is backward compatible with Windows PowerShell.  Both versions of the software can be installed simultaneously. 

Why PowerShell Core?

PowerShell is object-based, which means you can simply alter the output. And it’s really Simple to understand and apply. You may even use DOS commands from the past.

And you can use PowerShell core on any operating system. PowerShell is a wonderful tool for IT professionals, developers, and anybody else in charge of computer systems. 

Because of its core commands, community modules, and the flexibility to write your own scripts, it’s a tool that should be in everyone’s toolbox.

PowerShell Git 

Finally, in this section, we will talk about what PowerShell Git is and how it can boost your productivity. 

What is Git in PowerShell?

If you have Git & PowerShell installed, then you can use them straight away. By default, a path variable is added, and you just have to open the Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core and start using the git commands.

There is a complete guide on PowerShell Git on aCompiler’s Blog, it’s about getting productive results using Git in PowerShell. You can refer to that guide to set up Windows terminals and use Git and PowerShell in a more productive way.

If you are a windows user, you can use Git on Windows PowerShell or PowerShell Core.  I prefer to use Core because it’s the latest and works on any OS.     

What are the Benefits of PowerShell Git?

PowerShell makes basic tasks that would typically need a third-party program just as simple.  When interacting with files, you may inspect the content, search for a pattern, and alter text, for example. You may also view a list of files that have been changed due to a recent update, handle binary files, import and export structured data, and much more.

The PowerShell equivalent is two lines long and can help diagnostics track down the cause of a mistake, which is impossible to accomplish in a normal environment. Also, it’s easy to troubleshoot a running process. PowerShell Remoting allows completely automated workflows to be created.

And if you use Git on top of PowerShell, you will get all the functionality to automate your work.

Let me share a few examples. You can delete your orphan branches from your local repository automatically with PowerShell.  Also, You can run the clean command to more organized your code repository.

And if I talk about more advanced cases, you can use PowerShell script to deploy the website or backup your code with Git hooks.  By adding files to a.git/git-hooks/ directory, scripts might be activated to execute particular tasks. 

There are infinite opportunities – to tune before pressing, to make commits mistakes or to deploy websites automatically, just to mention a few. This in turn helps to maintain a healthy codebase for the developer.


Git and PowerShell are both free and open-source software.  You can use PowerShell Git by numerous Git commands to automate the workflow of software engineers. 

It’s allowed you to build contemporary open-source software quickly, and you always find methods to automate your work. Once you start using Git & PowerShell together, you will be more productive in your daily workflow.

Have you previously used Git and PowerShell? What do you think of the Combo pack of PowerShell Git? Or you’ve got some questions?  I’m pretty interested so let me know by your comment.  


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