LabVIEW vs MATLAB: a comprehensive comparison

Learn about the differences between LabVIEW and MATLAB to help professionals choose the right tool for their engineering tasks.

LabVIEW and MATLAB are two strong software systems that have become very popular in engineering, science, and research because they can be used in many different ways and are very powerful. You can use these tools for a lot of different tasks, from analysing data and making mathematical models to controlling hardware and simulating whole systems. However, even though LabVIEW and MATLAB are both useful, they are not the same.

When it comes to features, MATLAB is famous for how well it does math computing, data analysis, and making algorithms. It comes with a lot of mathematical tools and toolboxes that make things easier, like signal processing, image processing, and machine learning. LabVIEW, on the other hand, was made by National Instruments and is best at using graphics to programme systems and automate tasks

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Cost Comparison

Users of numerical computing environments like MATLAB know that it has a lot of powerful features and functions. On the other hand, adopting it often costs more, especially when business licences are taken into account. The large amount of money needed to buy MATLAB licences can be a big problem for small businesses, companies, or schools that are tight on funds.

The pricing for LabVIEW, a platform for system design and development, on the other hand, is more flexible and can be used by a wider group of people. You can choose a licencing model for LabVIEW that fits your needs and your budget. This includes choices for academic institutions, students, and professionals. Because it is so flexible, LabVIEW can meet the needs of a wide range of users and is also a good choice for people who are on a tight budget.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Comparison Table

The following table shows a thorough comparison of the main features, functions, and specs of both LabVIEW and MATLAB. For people who want to quickly find out what each platform does well and not so well, this table will be very helpful.

Programming ParadigmDataflowImperative, Procedural
User InterfaceGraphicalText-based Scripting
CostFlexible pricing with academic and professional optionsHigher cost, especially for commercial licenses
Data AnalysisRobust tools for analysis and visualizationExtensive library for mathematical and scientific tasks
Integration with Other ToolsStrong hardware integration and control system supportExtensive support for external devices and sensors
Performance and EfficiencyEfficient handling of large datasets and complex tasksGood performance, but may vary based on tasks
Application AreasWidely used in various industries, especially control systemsDiverse applications in aerospace, automotive, and academia
Community and SupportActive user community, comprehensive support resourcesEstablished user base with reliable support
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LabVIEW vs MATLAB: User Interface and Experience


LabVIEW is a powerful tool for engineering and collecting data. Its graphical programming environment, which includes drag-and-drop icons and easy-to-understand wire links, makes it stand out. By doing things this way, not only does the software look better, but it also makes it easier to learn, which makes it great for people who are just starting out with code.

Because MATLAB is text-based, it can handle difficult mathematical and computational jobs and let users get deeper into the details of algorithms with more accuracy. The code-centric method makes it easy for experienced users to share and understand MATLAB code snippets, which encourages code reuse and teamwork.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Features and Capabilities

LabVIEW, which was made by National Instruments, is a powerful graphical computer language and environment that works well with hardware. LabVIEW is famous for its built-in hardware interaction features, which make it easy for engineers and scientists to connect and talk to a lot of different devices. It also has an easy-to-use interface. This function makes it easier to get data from different sources, so users can easily gather, analyse, and display data.

MathWorks’ MATLAB, on the other hand, is renowned for being excellent at many types of computing jobs. While MATLAB’s main focus is on numerical computing, it is also very good at signal processing. This makes it a popular choice among engineers and students working in fields like communications, audio processing, and vibration analysis. The software can also analyse images, which is useful for jobs like improving images, separating them into groups, and finding patterns.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Programming Paradigms

The unique thing about LabVIEW, which stands for Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench, is that it uses a dataflow computing paradigm. In LabVIEW, the programme is shown visually as a group of icons that are all connected to each other and each represent a different action or function. These icons are linked by wires that let data pass between them. This shows how data moves through the programme.

Matlab, which stands for “MATrix LABoratory,” on the other hand, uses scripts that are written in text. A high-level programming language is used to write code. This language is built for mathematical and scientific computing. Users who are good at writing code can get fine-grained control and freedom from MATLAB. This style of scripting makes it possible to use complicated algorithms and precisely change big datasets.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Data Analysis and Visualization

National Instruments made LabVIEW, which has an interface that is meant to be easy for anyone to use. The best thing about it is that it makes simple data analysis and visualisation quick and easy. LabVIEW’s best feature is its graphical computer language, which lets users connect functional blocks visually. This makes it easy for people who aren’t very good at programming to use. Because of this, it’s a great choice for scientists and engineers who want to quickly test and launch solutions without having to learn a lot about programming.

MATLAB, on the other hand, was made by MathWorks and is famous for its wide range of advanced data analysis features. It has a lot of mathematical functions, statistical tools, and machine learning methods, which makes it the platform of choice for researchers and analysts who need to do complex analyses. The scripting language in MATLAB makes it easy for users to create their own programmes and do complicated calculations.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Application Areas and Industries

National Instruments made LabVIEW, a strong and flexible programming environment that is used in many areas, such as test automation, instrumentation control, embedded systems, data acquisition, and industrial automation. Engineers and scientists can easily plan and build complex systems with its easy-to-use graphical programming interface. Because LabVIEW is modular and scalable, it can be used for projects of all kinds and levels of difficulty.

MATLAB is a numerical computing environment that is known for being very flexible. It is used a lot in signal processing, image analysis, control systems, scientific computing, banking, and bioinformatics. In signal processing, MATLAB has many tools for studying and changing signals. This makes it a very useful tool for engineers and students working in audio processing, image processing, and telecommunications.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Integration with Other Tools

National Instruments made LabVIEW, which is famous for its graphical programming language that lets people create and programme using a picture-based interface. One of its best features is that it works well with a lot of different hardware instruments and gadgets. LabVIEW has interoperability tools and Application computer Interfaces (APIs) that make it easy to connect to and use other computer languages and platforms.

However, MATLAB, which was made by MathWorks, is famous for being able to do math computing and data analysis. Toolboxes and APIs let you connect MATLAB to other computer languages, databases, and software packages, even though it is a high-level scripting language itself. These toolboxes add to MATLAB’s usefulness by giving it more functions and specialised algorithms for different uses. MATLAB’s API support also lets users connect with outside systems, which makes it useful in multilingual and collaborative settings.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Performance and Efficiency


The powerful graphical programming language LabVIEW is known for being able to handle complex workflows and big datasets with ease. However, speed problems can happen because of the large amounts of data and complicated processes that need to be run. Using optimisation methods is the only way to get around these problems.

Matlab, on the other hand, is known for how quickly it can do numerical calculations. This is because it has a well-designed architecture and tools that are optimised. Because it is so good at numerical computing, MATLAB is the best choice for scientific and technical tasks. But it’s important to remember that how well MATLAB code works depends on how well the code is written and how methods are implemented.

LabVIEW vs MATLAB: Community and Support

One thing that makes LabVIEW stand out is that the business that made it, National Instruments, provides dedicated support for it. This makes sure that users can get reliable help when they need it when they are having problems or looking for direction. National Instruments not only provides detailed documentation, but also gives training and certification programmes that help LabVIEW users get even better at what they do.

MATLAB, on the other hand, was made by MathWorks and has a big, well-established community that includes people from business and academia. Because so many people use it, there are a lot of online tools, tutorials, and documentation for it. This makes it a platform that engineers, scientists, and researchers all over the world use.

LabVIEW: Pros

  • Easier to learn for beginners
  • Excellent for hardware integration and data acquisition
  • Visually intuitive interface

LabVIEW: Cons

  • Can be expensive
  • Limited for complex scientific computing


  • Powerful for scientific computing and data analysis
  • Extensive toolboxes for diverse applications
  • Large and active community


  • Steeper learning curve
  • Can be expensive with additional toolboxes

Which one should you consider?

Depending on your particular requirements and preferences, the answer will vary. LabVIEW may be the optimal choice for you if you place a high value on the ease of use, hardware integration, and quick prototyping capabilities. On the other hand, if you are more concerned with complicated scientific computing, data analysis, and a greater variety of tools, MATLAB might be the more suitable option for you.


Which is faster for complex calculations?

As a result of its compiled code and algorithms that have been optimised, MATLAB is generally superior in terms of speed when it comes to computationally heavy jobs. This is an area in which MATLAB frequently takes the lead, despite the fact that LabVIEW offers superior optimisation features.

Which is better for hardware integration?

LabVIEW does a great job of controlling and connecting hardware. It has built-in instruments and device-interfacing tools and toolkits that make it easier to set up and run hardware-based projects.

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