Paylocity vs UKG: which payroll and HR software is right?

Discover differences between Paylocity and UKG to find the best fit for your payroll and HR needs.

In order to enhance the effectiveness and dependability of their operational procedures, businesses are compelled to navigate through a multitude of possibilities. This is because the world of Human Resources and Payroll administration is a dynamic and ever-changing environment. There are two firms that stand out as powerful competitors in this competitive market. These companies are Paylocity and UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group).

Additionally, both of these businesses offer complete solutions that can be altered to meet the various requirements that modern firms have. In the course of this comprehensive comparison, we will analyse a number of different features of these platforms with the intention of supporting you in making an informed decision that is in accordance with the particular requirements that your company has.

Paylocity vs UKG: Pricing Models

At first glance, UKG’s pricing plans may look more affordable, with rates that look like they’re competitive. Regardless, it is important to learn more about how they set their prices per employee. While this method might work for smaller businesses, it could lead to rising costs as the company hires more people. With the per-employee approach, every new worker brings in extra costs, which could mean that businesses that are growing have to pay more.

Paylocity, on the other hand, charges a set monthly fee. This makes it easier to plan and might be a better value for bigger businesses. This fixed-rate plan gives businesses stability, which helps them make better budgets and avoid cost spikes that they didn’t expect when they hire more people. For bigger companies with teams that are changing and growing, this system might be helpful because it gives them financial security and makes it easier to keep track of their costs.

Paylocity vs UKG: Comparison Table

When it comes to Human Resources and Payroll management, picking the right option for your business is very important. Paylocity and UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) are two big names in this field, and they each have their own features and functions. Therefore, to help you make a smart choice, let us carefully examine the differences between Paylocity and UKG. Check out the main features, pricing options, user experiences, and other factors to find the answer that fits your business needs the most.

PricingFlexible subscription plansCustomized pricing based on organizational needs
User InterfaceIntuitive and user-friendlyModern and customizable for a seamless experience
FeaturesRobust HR and payroll featuresComprehensive suite with advanced capabilities
Integration OptionsExtensive integration possibilitiesDiverse integrations for a connected ecosystem
Customer SupportResponsive customer supportDedicated support with personalized assistance
Security MeasuresStringent security protocolsIndustry-leading security measures and compliance
Future TrendsEmbracing technology advancementsInnovating to meet evolving industry requirements
Case StudiesPositive user experiences and success storiesDemonstrated success in diverse business scenarios
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Paylocity vs UKG: User Interface and Experience

Paylocity vs UKG

The easy-to-use design of Paylocity makes the experience smooth, lowering the learning curve for users and letting them move around the system without any problems. This is especially helpful for HR professionals and managers who use the platform every day to improve their general efficiency and streamline their work.

UKG’s interface, on the other hand, is usually more complicated, so users might need to go through training to get the most out of it. This level of complexity may provide a wide range of features and functions, but it can also be hard to use for people who aren’t used to complicated software systems. It’s possible that HR workers and managers will need to spend more time getting used to the interface, which could slow them down in the short term.

Paylocity vs UKG: Features and Capabilities

The competition between UKG and Paylocity is a complex one between features and ease of use when it comes to human capital management (HCM) and payroll systems. This makes UKG stand out because it has so many features. This makes it the best choice for bigger, more complicated organisations with many needs. The platform has a full set of functions that include payroll and human capital management (HCM), as well as different parts of workforce management, talent acquisition, and workforce analytics.

Paylocity, on the other hand, has carefully carved out a place for itself by focusing on core payroll and HR management functions. Paylocity makes sure that the experience is smooth and easy to use by focusing on what companies need most. This method works especially well for businesses that want to keep things simple and quick, and don’t want to deal with the problems that can come up when they have too many features that don’t meet their needs.

Paylocity vs UKG: Integration Options

UKG is made to work with a lot of different third-party apps right out of the box thanks to its robust set of features. This means that users can easily connect their UKG platform to different tools, like CRM software, productivity apps, and banking systems, without having to make a lot of changes. An abundance of native interfaces in UKG speeds up the implementation process and makes things easier for users who use a wide range of business tools.

On the other hand, Paylocity stands out because it has an open API that lets users make custom solutions that meet the needs of their own businesses. Businesses can connect Paylocity to a wide range of outside apps thanks to its open design. This includes apps that weren’t initially supported by the platform. The good thing about Paylocity’s open API is that it can handle very specific and niche connections. This lets businesses change the system to fit their needs perfectly.

Paylocity vs UKG: Customer Support and Service

Because Paylocity is always dedicated to giving great customer service, it has built a great name. Customers often praise the company’s committed and easy-to-reach customer service reps who go above and beyond to answer questions quickly and effectively. The support team at Paylocity is known for being quick to respond and make sure that clients get the help they need right away.

But when you compare UKG’s customer service to Paylocity, it might be hard to get helpful answers. Some clients have said they had to wait longer to get help from UKG’s support team. Customers who need to get their problems solved right away might have to wait longer because of the longer wait times. Also, feedback says that UKG’s customer service may seem less personalised compared to Paylocity’s more customised and personalised approach.

Paylocity vs UKG: Key Differences

In order to make an educated choice, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the primary distinctions that exist between Paylocity and UKG. Your decision might be strongly impacted by a variety of factors, including price methods, features, user interface, and customer service.

  • Target Market: Paylocity tends to focus on mid-sized to large companies, while UKG caters to a wider range, including smaller businesses.
  • Pricing: Paylocity’s fixed monthly fees can be more cost-effective for larger teams, while UKG’s per-employee pricing might suit smaller setups.
  • User Interface: Paylocity prioritizes intuitive design, while UKG offers more features at the expense of some complexity.

Paylocity vs UKG: Security Measures

In today’s quickly changing digital world, it is very important for businesses to keep private HR and payroll data safe. People who work for Paylocity and UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group) know how important it is to keep employee, salary, and other HR information private. Because of this, both businesses have put in place strong security measures and are committed to following strict protocols and compliance standards.

Establishing thorough security procedures is one of the main goals of both Paylocity and UKG. This includes using cutting-edge encryption methods to keep data safe while it’s being sent and stored. Encryption helps keep private information safe by making sure that even if someone gets unauthorised access, they can’t read or get to the data.

Paylocity vs UKG

Both providers have strong security measures in place and are certified according to industry standards to show that they are committed to keeping private information safe. They are completely committed to keeping your data safe, as shown by the fact that they carefully maintain systems that are regularly updated and use cutting edge encryption methods.

By following best practices in their fields, both companies make sure that the sensitive information that is given to them is kept safe. They are proactive about staying ahead of possible threats and weaknesses by regularly updating their systems. This commitment not only makes their platforms more reliable, but it also shows how much they care about giving people a safe place to be.

Paylocity: Pros

  • User-friendly interface,
  • Excellent customer support
  • Mobile accessibility.

Paylocity: Cons

  • Limited features compared to UKG,
  • Might not be cost-effective for smaller businesses.

UKG: Pros

  • Extensive feature set
  • strong integrations,
  • Security focus.

UKG: Cons

  • Complex interface
  • Per-employee pricing can be expensive for larger teams

Which one should you consider?

It relies on the particular requirements and priorities that you have. Think about the size of your firm, your budget, the features you want, and the user experience preferences you have. Paylocity could be the perfect solution for you if you give the utmost importance to mobile accessibility, outstanding support, and user-friendly design. If you are most concerned about having access to a wide range of features, robust integrations, and excellent security, UKG might be a better option for you.


Can Paylocity and UKG be customized to meet unique business requirements?

Both systems provide organisations with the ability to customise the platform to meet their particular requirements through the use of customisation options.

Are there any hidden costs associated with Paylocity or UKG?

A transparent price structure is offered by both solutions; nonetheless, it is vital to inquire about any potential additional expenses that may be incurred based on particular features or services.

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