Viva Engage vs Yammer: which tool is best for your needs?

Discover the features, benefits and differences between Viva Engage and Yammer for seamless team collaboration.

In the domain of workplace communication and collaboration technologies, Viva Engage and Yammer stand out as powerful platforms that are meant to improve the connection of organisations. The purpose of this article is to provide organisations with the information they need to make an educated decision by analysing and contrasting the many characteristics of these two options.

There are two key participants in the world of internal communication that are competing for your attention: Viva Engage and Yammer. The world of internal communication is changing. However, which one is the most dominant? Both platforms are broken down in this detailed guide, which will assist you in selecting the one that is most suitable for your organisation.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Pricing Models

The price is determined by the subscription to Microsoft 365 that you already have. It is included in the majority of the Viva suite plans; however, extra features such as Leadership Corner and Advanced Analytics require separate licences to be purchased. Yammer is still available at no cost to those who are already subscribed to Microsoft 365. There is, however, no information on the cost of solo usage in the future, after the complete switch to Viva Engage.

It is essential to have a solid understanding of the impact that adopting a communication platform will have on your finances. The price plans that Viva Engage and Yammer provide are diverse from one another, responding to the various requirements of organisations. Yammer may adhere to a user-based or enterprise-wide licencing structure, in contrast to Viva Engage, which utilises a subscription-based strategy with tiered options.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Comparison Table

For the purpose of providing a fast reference, let us give a complete table that compares and contrasts Viva Engage and Yammer in terms of their most important essential features, price, and other important factors.

FeatureViva EngageYammer
PricingVaries with Microsoft 365 planCurrently free; future unclear
User InterfaceModern, integrated with Microsoft TeamsSimpler, standalone interface
FeaturesBroader, including events, knowledge management, and personalizationFocused on newsfeed, groups, and basic discussions
IntegrationIntegrates with Viva suite and Microsoft appsLimited integrations outside Microsoft ecosystem
SimilaritiesGroup management, moderation, search, social engagement tools
Security & PrivacyUpholds Microsoft standards, additional features in Viva suiteUpholds Microsoft standards
User ReviewsInitial positive feedback on interface and featuresLarge user base, positive feedback on ease of use and communities
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Viva Engage vs Yammer: User Interface and Experience

Viva Engage vs Yammer

When it comes to establishing widespread acceptance all throughout an organisation, the interface and user experience are of the utmost importance. The Viva Engage platform features a cutting-edge and user-friendly interface, which encourages user participation. On the other hand, Yammer provides a more social media-oriented experience, with the goal of attempting to achieve familiarity in order to speed up user adoption.

Microsoft Teams benefit from Viva Engage’s streamlined and contemporary user experience, which is effortlessly integrated into the platform. Yammer provides a more straightforward and independent experience. Both systems are compatible with mobile devices.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Features and Functionality

Innovative social features like personalised newsfeeds, achievement badges, and employee mood analysis make Viva Engage great at getting employees to connect with each other. These tools help make the workplace more lively and welcoming, which in turn boosts mood and job satisfaction. Viva Engage’s analytics features also give businesses useful information about how people work together, which helps them make smart choices that improve processes and resource sharing.

On the other hand, Yammer stands out because of its unique features, such as its shared conversation model, which makes it easier to have well-organized, in-depth conversations. This style makes it easier for teams to keep up with talks and makes sure that important information is always available. Yammer’s focus on open communication makes it easy for people to share knowledge and work together to solve problems. This makes it a great tool for encouraging innovation within a company.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Key Similarities

First and foremost, the connection with Microsoft 365 makes sure that users can easily join to both Viva Engage and Yammer through familiar interfaces. This uniform experience makes the switch easier for users, making it possible for them to switch between systems without any problems and still have the same experience.

Another important thing they have in common is that they both focus on building a sense of community and sharing information within the organisation. Both Viva Engage and Yammer have tools and features that make it easier for people to talk to each other and work together in an open way. This encourages a culture of sharing information and being honest. With tools like Viva Engage’s employee recognition features or Yammer’s group talks, companies can use them to improve internal communications and get their employees more involved.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Integration and Compatibility

To achieve maximum productivity, it is essential to have a seamless interaction with the tools and platforms that are already in place. An vast number of third-party connectors are available through Viva Engage, which guarantees interoperability with a wide range of business applications.

On the other hand, Yammer’s integration with Microsoft 365 is completely smooth, and it makes use of the environment that Microsoft 365 provides for improved collaboration. Yammer has a restricted number of external interfaces, but Viva Engage has a highly integrated relationship with the Microsoft Viva suite as well as other Microsoft applications.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Case Studies of Organizations

Organisations who use Viva Engage report greater levels of employee engagement, as well as increased levels of knowledge exchange and communication among leadership. There are case studies available on Yammer that demonstrate how effective internal communication and community development can be.

Examples taken from the real world offer extremely helpful insights into the successful application of these platforms in the real world’s context. In the next part, we will investigate case studies of organisations that have adopted Viva Engage and Yammer, highlighting their accomplishments and the influence that these platforms have had on their communication and collaboration strategies inside the organisation.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: Security and Privacy

Security is of the utmost importance for any application that facilitates workplace collaboration. The purpose of this part is to provide an in-depth examination of the security features of Viva Engage and Yammer. We will discuss data privacy, compliance, and other essential components that are necessary to guarantee a secure communication environment.

Both platforms are responsible for upholding the stringent security and privacy standards that were set by Microsoft. The additional security capabilities that are included in the Viva suite are something that Viva Engage is able to inherit.

Viva Engage vs Yammer: User Reviews and Testimonials

Viva Engage vs Yammer

It is possible to gain significant insights into the day-to-day usability and satisfaction levels of Viva Engage and Yammer by analysing the experiences of users who have used these platforms. When it comes to customer evaluations and testimonials, this part will include both good and negative feedback, providing a comprehensive and balanced viewpoint.

In its preliminary evaluations, Viva Engage has been praised for its innovative user interface and its promising features. Yammer has a big user base, and users have expressed satisfaction with the platform’s user-friendliness and its capacity to foster community development.

Viva Engage: Pros

  • Modern interface
  • Deep integration with Microsoft ecosystem
  • Advanced features
  • personalization.

Viva Engage: Cons

  • New platform
  • Pricing complexity for some features.

Yammer: Pros

  • Familiar interface
  • Free for existing Microsoft 365 users
  • Established communities.

Yammer: Cons

  • Simpler feature set
  • Limited integrations outside Microsoft.

Which one should you consider?

Your particular requirements will determine which option is best. It is possible that Viva Engage is the best option for you if you place a high priority on having a modern experience, powerful functionality, and extensive integration with Microsoft. It is possible that Yammer will be your champion if familiarity, existing communities, and a free starting choice are all aspects that are important to you.


Will Yammer disappear?

Yes, in the long run. Over the course of time, all of Yammer’s functionalities will be included into Viva Engage.

Are Viva Engage and Yammer compatible with one another?

As of right now, sure. Nevertheless, Microsoft strongly recommends switching to Viva Engage in order to take advantage of upcoming improvements and capabilities.

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