How to Disable Samsung Galaxy Store ads and notifications: 4 easy steps

Tired of Galaxy Store ads and alerts? Here's how to disable them for good!

You know how when you buy a new Samsung phone, it has a bunch of cool apps already on it? Some of those apps are pretty annoying because they keep showing us ads and pop-up messages. If you want to make your Samsung phone less annoying, follow these steps to Disable Samsung Galaxy Store ads and notifications.

You can try something a little harder now if you’re up for it. Did you know that we can put an old version of itself on the Galaxy Store? That way, the ads might not bother us as much. I’ll be very careful and show you how to do it right away, so you know what could go wrong.

The Galaxy Store ads will no longer show up, and your phone will be much quieter after we’re done. No more being bothered while you play or talk on the phone! Are you excited to improve your phone? Let’s work together!

Why Disable Samsung Galaxy Store Ads and Notifications?

On the Samsung Galaxy Store, you might want to turn off ads and alerts because of the following:

  • Make it Look Nice: Ads can make the store look sloppy. It looks better and cleaner when you turn them off.
  • Ads can drain your power: They will last longer if you turn them off.
  • Save Battery: A lot of the time, ads show you things you don’t need to see. You will only see things you like when you turn them off.
  • Stop Personalised Ads: If you stop these ads, Samsung will not know as much about what you do in the app store.

How to Disable Samsung Galaxy Store ads and notifications

Disabling Ads in Samsung Galaxy Store

  1. Start up the Samsung Galaxy Store app on your phone or tablet.
  2. Press the menu button (three lines across the screen) in the upper left area.
  3. Make your way down and click on “Settings.”
  4. The “Marketing choice” option should be turned off.

Disabling Notifications from Samsung Galaxy Store

  1. Open up the Settings app on your device.
  2. Go to the bottom and click on “Notifications.”
  3. From the list of apps, find “Samsung Galaxy Store” and tap on it.
  4. Uncheck the box that says “Allow notifications.”

Common Issues with Disabling Samsung Galaxy Store Ads and Notifications

Disable Samsung Galaxy Store ads and notifications

When you deal with ads and messages from the Samsung Galaxy Store, you might find it hard to do the following:

  • Not much control: It’s not very easy to change things. You can disable alerts and make ads less personal, but you can’t get rid of all the ads in the Galaxy Store. If the ads left are annoying or don’t relate to what you like, this could be a problem.
  • A quick fix: You might not see ads for a while if you stop the Galaxy Store app from updating itself. The ads will likely come back when you update it again, though. It does the same thing over and over again.
  • App problems: If you turn off the Galaxy Store app totally, you won’t be able to get new apps or make changes to the ones you already have. No, that is not good. It makes it harder to use your phone and could make it less safe.
  • Watch out: If you want to get rid of all ads, some websites may tell you to change things on your phone or add more apps. But if you do that, bad things like bugs or people trying to get into your phone without your permission could happen. If you want to get more details, than you can visit Samsung official website.

Final Words

Don’t keep this helpful guide for yourself if you liked it! On Facebook and Twitter, tell your Samsung Galaxy phone friends about it. Let’s use our phones in a fun way by teaching each other new things.


Will disabling ads and notifications improve my device’s performance or battery life?

If you turn off ads and messages, your tablet might work a little better and the battery might last longer because nothing will be running in the background. Still, it might not matter much to everyone, based on how they use their computer and other things.

Are there any risks associated with disabling ads and notifications from the Samsung Galaxy Store?

It won’t hurt your device to turn off ads and alerts. But you should be careful and see what happens when you change the settings.

Radhika Gupta
Radhika Gupta
At Bollyinside, Radhika Gupta is a technology publisher and content editor. Her speciality is selecting interesting articles about new developments in technology. Radhika is dedicated about innovation, and her work makes sure that readers are motivated and informed about the rapidly changing world of technology.


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