How to Dual Boot Linux and Windows: 7 easy steps

Install both Windows and Linux! Easy guide to dual booting your system.

There are two kinds of computer brains that we can put on our computer. One is called Windows, and the other is Linux. We can Dual Boot Linux and Windows to play with today when we turn on our computer.

We like Windows sometimes because it lets us play games that only work on Windows. But Linux is like a fun park where we can change many things to make it look the way we want it to. We need to get a small USB stick and put Linux on it.

This is similar to putting a game on a game disc. Also, we need to clean up the space where our computers are kept so that Windows and Linux can fit without being squished. A little choice will pop up when we turn on our computer and ask, “Do you want to play with Windows or Linux today?”

Before we begin, we need to remember to hide all of our favourite things, like pictures or photos. This is because we need to move things around on our computer. We can go on this cool trip and learn how to set it all up together if you think this sounds fun and want to know how to make your computer do it.

What is Dual Booting?

We have two different “playgrounds” (operating systems) on one computer when it s dual boot. That way, we can use one to play games and the other to draw or do chores. We get to choose which “playground” we want to use every time we turn on the computer! Like, today we might want to use the one with lots of games or the one where we can draw. It’s cool that we can put different things on each one!

How to Dual Boot Linux and Windows

  1. Back up your data: Backing up your info is always a good idea before you do something big.
  2. Partition your hard drive: Divide your hard drive into sections.
  3. Put Windows on a partition: To do this, use a Windows installation disc or USB.
  4. Start Linux: To start Linux on the other drive, use a Linux installation disc or USB.
  5. Configure GRUB: Make sure that GRUB can choose between the two operating systems.
  6. Check for and fix issues: Try both OS options again after restarting.
  7. Change: If you need to, you can change the boot settings or the default OS.

Advantages of Dual Booting Linux and Windows

How to Dual Boot Linux and Windows
  • Fun Really Quickly: You know when you’re playing a game and it’s really smooth and doesn’t lag? That’s because the game can get to all of your toys on its own and doesn’t need anyone else’s help. We have two operating systems, which means that our games and other fun stuff can run very quickly because they can talk to all the hard drives directly.
  • A lot of free toys: You can get a lot of free toys in a wonderful place called Linux. If you want to share your toys with your friends, you can do the same thing on Linux. These toys are sometimes even better than the ones we buy!
  • Finding Out New Things: It can be fun to try out new games and toys, right? We can try out the new toy world of Linux without giving up our old Windows since we have two operating systems. If you want to know more about the steps, you can go to the official website.

Final Words

You did a really cool thing! You have two types of programmes on your computer: Linux and Windows. You can choose between two kinds of ice cream! From now on, it’s easy to switch between tasks on your computer if you need to. Anytime you need help or get stuck, you can ask nice people online. Have fun using your computer on two different platforms!


Can I access files from one operating system while using the other?

You can read files from both types of computers, even when you’re on the other type. But first you need to hook up the parts of the computer that store the files.

Can I dual boot Linux with any version of Windows?

There are two types of computers that you can use at the same time! As if you had both Linux and Windows at the same time. A setting called Secure Boot might need to be changed from time to time for it to work right.

Is dual booting safe?

Many times, having two types of computer programmes on your computer is fine. But things could go wrong, and you could lose your files. Before you start putting the new computer system on your computer, it’s very important to put your things somewhere safe.

Radhika Gupta
Radhika Gupta
At Bollyinside, Radhika Gupta is a technology publisher and content editor. Her speciality is selecting interesting articles about new developments in technology. Radhika is dedicated about innovation, and her work makes sure that readers are motivated and informed about the rapidly changing world of technology.


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